4 techniques to prevent the musty smell from the car air conditioner so that you don’t have to worry when driving through the rain!


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4 techniques to prevent the musty smell from the car air conditioner so that you don’t have to worry when driving through the rain!

The musty smell is unpleasant and can be quite bothersome for many individuals. This can get worse during the rainy season. If you have to drive in the rain for a long time, it's likely that your car's air conditioner may develop a musty odor.

Today, PTT Lubricants will learn more about why the car air conditioner smells moldy during the rainy season and share 4 techniques that can help get rid of that smell. Let’s go!


Causes of the smell

In the rainy season, the air tends to accumulate more moisture due to rain, weather conditions, and lower temperatures. As a result of that, the A/C cabinet also experiences a higher accumulation of moisture and humidity. When that continues for a long time, it causes bacteria and mold in the air conditioner compartment, hence the musty smell.


4 techniques to help get rid of musty smell from car air conditioner conditioners

1. Adjust the car air conditioner temperature appropriately

Temperatures are regularly cooler than summer during the rainy season. Therefore, the air conditioner temperature should be adjusted higher than normal to prevent excessive cold from accumulating in the air conditioner. If you feel hot, it is recommended to try increasing the wind power of the air conditioner first. If that is still not enough, then adjust temperature to cool down instead.

2. Turn off the A/C switch 1-2 minutes before turning off the engine

In the rainy season, the car air conditioning system will accumulate more cold than usual. Therefore, it is important to switch off the A/C about 1-2 minutes before turning off the engine to repel the cold and prevent moisture from accumulating. This will help reduce humidity and reduce the occurrence of mold in the air conditioner as well.

3. Turn off the air conditioner when driving through high flood waters 

When having to drive through the high flood, reduce the speed and drive as slow as possible to reduce the chance of water entering the engine. If the water level reaches under the car,  turn off the car air conditioner immediately as the rotating air conditioner fan can hit the water and break. If the fan cannot work properly, the cooling efficiency of the car will be reduced and can overheat.

4. Dry the car in the sun

If you have completed all the 3 steps above and still feel that the car air conditioner has a musty smell, try drying the car in the sun. You can do so by parking the car in the sun with all doors open to let the sunlight shine and remove all moisture. This method can also kill bacteria. It is recommended to do this once a week during the rainy season to help reduce the musty smell of the car air conditioner.


If you try all 4 techniques, but your air conditioner still smells musty, PTT Lubricants recommends bringing your car to any branch of our FIT Auto to have it serviced. Don't let the air conditioner remain moldy for a long time as it may affect your health! With care from PTT Lubricants 💙


Source : https://www.sanook.com/auto/54801/ 
