PERFORMA SYNTHETIC ECO CAR, the choice of new generation cars for the better environment.


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PERFORMA SYNTHETIC ECO CAR, the choice of new generation cars for the better environment.

 Nowadays, the green business trends and awareness about the environment are gaining more and more popularity which induces a higher number of people to use more eco-friendly products such as using clothes, tote bags or paper straws which have the least impact on the environment.

An "eco-car" is being talked about as another option for the new generation that allows you to comfortably choose a car that is environmentally friendly, and has fuel economy and lower exhaust emissions. Consequently, It  has been a popular car for Thai people for more than 10 years and has a tendency to increase even more in the future.

Today, PTT Lubricants would like to introduce PERFORMA SYNTHETIC ECO CAR 0W-20 developed specifically to meet the needs of eco-car users, making it an engine oil that environmental advocates trust. This engine oil can take good care of your car's engine and be environmentally friendly at the same time.



A sSuper high quality 100% synthetic gasoline engine oil has been, developed by the latest platform technology EVOTEC and supplemented with specific innovations SMART Molecules that help meet the needs of eco-cars in every aspect, whether

✅ Increases fuel economy up to 27 % (1) and provide an excellent acceleration response

✅ Help reduce harmful emissions of exhaust gasses and carbon dioxide for a better environment

✅ Prevent low-speed ignition (LSPI) problems in gasoline direct injection engines (GDI/Turbo-GDI) better than the standard for 49% (2)

✅ Enhance wear protection for 38% (3) and excellently prevent timing chain elongation in order to maintain good engine performance for long time 

✅ Controls internal cleanliness up to 9.6 % (4), allowing an engine to run at full performance

✅ Gain 66% (5) better oil degradation that help extending the oil drain interval up to 15,000 kilometers

*Compared to API SP and ILSAC GF-6A test criteria: (1) Seq. VIE, (2) Seq. IX, (3) Seq. IVB, (4) Seq. VH, and (5) Seq. IIIH.

PERFORMA SYNTHETIC ECO CAR 0W-20 is also certified by the latest global standards API SP and ILSAC GF-6A, ensuring that this engine oil will effectively meet the needs of modern engines. 

PERFORMA SYNTHETIC ECO CAR 0W-20 is suitable for eco-cars that use gasoline engines with either direct injection fuel system (GDI/Turbo-GDI) or port fuel injection system (PFI).

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Let's create a better world together with PERFORMA SYNTHETIC ECO CAR 0W-20 engine oil that is  available today at near you 💙