Write down the combination! How to choose the right window tint percentage for your preference


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Write down the combination! How to choose the right window tint percentage for your preference

Car users inevitably encounter extreme heat during the summer, especially in Thailand where the weather is always hot and it is difficult to avoid sunlight. Therefore, most car users in Thailand prefer to use tinted car film to prevent heat from the sun and help make the car cooler.

Some people may also use tinted car film for different purposes, such as privacy, heat protection and optical purposes. However, regardless of the reasons why people choose to use tinted film, the film can surely help protect both the inside and outside of the car as well as increase the efficiency of your driving.

Today, PTT Lubricants will give out some of the tint percentage combinations that will match your lifestyle. Let's go check it out together!


There are different levels of darkness of the tinted film. The darkness of the car film or VLT (Visible Light Transmission) is calculated by how much light can pass through the film. In Thailand, people mostly use a VLT percentage of 40%, 60% and 80%. The car film will be darker and can prevent more light as the number goes higher.

  • 40% VLT means light transmittance is about 40-50%
  • 60% VLT, means light transmittance is about 20%.
  • 80% VLT, means light transmittance is about 5%

Which VLT will be the right one for you? Let’s see!


60%  for front windshield , 80% for the rest

✅ Is the most popular tinting combination

✅ Suitable for people who like privacy since the cabin cannot be seen from the outside with this combination

✅ Suitable for people who mainly drive during daytime

✅ Has maximum heat protection, making the inside of the car cool

✅ Protect driver’s sight from the sunlight and the headlights of other cars coming from the other side of the road, providing  easy and comfortable driving


40%  for front windshield , 60% for the rest

✅ Suitable for people who mainly drive during the night

✅ Suitable for people who drive in rural areas or areas with low light

✅ Suitable for the elderly with farsightedness that has trouble seeing up close

✅ Protect driver’s sight from the headlights of other cars coming from the other side of the road, providing  easy and comfortable driving


As you can see, different darkness percentages can help with different problems. Therefore, it is important to know what you need and use the VLT according to the instructions to protect your car and increase the convenience of your driving.

Most importantly, if you want to increase the efficiency of your driving, don't forget to use high quality engine oil from PTT Lubricants. Available today at PTT Station and FIT Auto or any store that carries PTT Lubricants near you.